Your app idea is the beginning of a new world for people to live in. Let's plan together on how to make your vision a reality.
In March of 2024, Nerd Up Technology was on the front page of Island Times magazine.
David Edwards | B.S. in Engineering Technology, Harvard CS50 Certification, referalls from Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce, led capstone robotics project in software, has built over a dozen apps from simple to sophisticated, 13 years of small business ownership and training on marketplace relationships. David holds over 7 computer science certifications including Full Stack Developer and Harvard CS50. |
Sultan Khan | B.S. in Computer Science, certifications of datastructures and alogorithms, Ract Native achievement award, recomendation from Nerd Up for partificipation in over 3 projects, computer science thesis on Generative AI, Customer Relations Training systems with Nerd Up. |
Shan Ayub | B.S. in Computer Science, certifications of datastructures and alogorithms, Ract Native achievement award, recomendation from Nerd Up for partificipation in over 3 projects, computer science thesis on Generative AI, Customer Relations Training systems with Nerd Up. |
Christian Marcellino | Christian is a student of Computer Engineering at the University of West Florida and has helped with many of our projects. Christian is a computer enthusiast and is very good at computer programming. Christian helped build our app that was in the newspaper along with helping with some of our startups. |
Usman Aslam | A passionate data scientist and software engineer finishing his maters at UWF. Undergaduate degree in Software Enginnering from National Textile University, Usman has honed his skills in emergin technologies and data modeeling. His research deleves into cutting-edge technologies and thier impact on the world. |
Vivian P. Maxwell. | Vivian is a dedicated wife, mother and grandmother and also dedicated to her career in technology. She has held tech firms in the past with client support and opeerations. Her skills on helping clients get onboarded on their journey and commitment to team success is vital for our company. |
Antonio Gutierrez III | Antonio is a Software Engineer Intern and also a Mechanical Enginnering Junior at the University of West Florida. He helps consult with clients to bring their ideas into reality. Antonio is versed in coding, doing Arduino coding for his on projects, knows software through his engineering courses, and has certified in website design and Adobe Dream Weaver |
Sonam Roy | Sonam has her undergraduate degrees in Computer Science Engineering and is working on her BSc in Computer Science from the University of west London. On top of this she holds honors while in her studies. Sonam has completed a three month internship in web design using PHP, JS, CSS and Bootstrap. Her interest are machine learning and React Native. |
Our partners are here to assist you in bringing your project into reality.
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